are the highest and most powerful of God's holy angels, and also the fewest.
There are only seven, of which only two, Gabriel and Michael, are named
in the New Testament. Raphael is less well known, and appears by name
only in the Book of Tobit, one of the Deuterocanonical
books of Scripture, which are sometimes called the Apocrypha. The other
four are even more obscure than Raphael, and apart from Uriel, scholars
do not even agree on their names. The apocryphal book of Enoch names Michael,
Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Raguel, Remiel, and Saraqael as the seven holy
angels who stand before God. However, instead of Raguel, Remiel, and Saraqael,
many other names have been given, including Raziel, Sariel, Metatron,
Anael, Rahuil, Barakiel, Chamael, Jophiel, Zadkiel, Jeduhiel, Simael,
Zaphiel, and Aniel.
The name "Raphael" means "shining one who heals,"
and according to tradition, his mission has always been one of healing.
In Chapter 3 of the Book of Tobit, Raphael is sent by God in response
to the prayers of Tobit and Sarah for healing. Tobit had been blinded
in an accident, and Sarah was beset by a demon. St. Raphael directed Tobit's
son Tobias to burn the liver of a fish to drive out the demon tormenting
Sarah. With demon gone, St. Raphael then told Tobias to make a poltice
of the fish's gall, which Tobias then applied to his father's eyes, curing
his Tobit's blindness.
Apart from
the book of Tobit, there is a rich tradition of Christian lore surrounding
St. Raphael. Legend holds that the name originally given to him by God
was Labbiel, but God changed his name to Raphael after Labbiel sided with
God in a dispute with the other archangels over whether to create Mankind.
After the Fall of Man, St. Raphael was sent to Earth to heal both Mankind
and the Earth in preparation for their eventual reunion with God. Legend
also holds that God sent Raphael to Abraham to supervise (and heal) Abraham's
circumcision, which the patriarch had neglected to arrange in his younger
Among all the archangels, St. Raphael is said to most enjoy the company
of men and women. He is said to guard pilgrims on their journeys, and
is often depicted holding a staff. He is often depicted holding or standing
on a fish, which alludes to his healing of Tobit with the fish's gall.
Kabbalistic tradition names St. Raphael as the angel who rules the Sun,
the East, the Air, Wednesday, medicine, science and knowledge. He is represented
by the colors orange and light blue.
O God,
who in Thy ineffable goodness
hast rendered blessed Raphael
the conductor of thy faithful in their journeys,
we humbly implore Thee
that we may be conducted by him in the way of salvation,
and experience his help in the maladies of our souls.
Through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.